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    THE LIE:

    Bill Clinton is so bad any Republican can beat him in November


    By Robert Colaco,
    National Chairman
    of Citizens For A Better America®.

    This election year like it or not, really centers around you the voter. It really is about YOU. It is about whether you will have a job in 1996, 1997, 1998. It is about your ability to feed your family, to pay the mortgage, the car payments, the credit card bills.

    You see, President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Senate Majority leader Bob Dole, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Senators Gramm, Lugar, Specter and Congressman Dornan voted to hand the sovereignty of the United States to Canadians and Mexicans.

    Sovereignty is defined in Webster’s New World Dictionary as “supreme and independent political authority”. The World Trade Organization (WTO), which some have described as a ‘World Government of Trade’, was added in a 14 page charter to the 22,000 page GATT agreement. Senator Jesse Helms wrote,"I fear that the sovereignty of the U.S. could very well be diminished by the World Trade Organization, in which the U.S. has merely one vote of 124 and no veto." In a floor statement entered in the Congressional Record on 11/30/94 Senator Helms said, ...“in the United Nations, the United States does have veto power, but the United States will not have it under this agreement.” He went on, “Once again, let me emphasize that the United States will no longer be able to veto bad decisions from this international agency, the WTO. If we can use the WTO against Japan and France to cut down their laws, foreign countries can use it to cut down United States laws.”

    Even Phil Gramm, in a transcript faxed to Citizens For A Better America® by his office 17 days before the GATT/WTO vote said, “The problem is the president has loaded up the agreement with so much stuff I find objectionable. He’s got a rule of origin change on textiles that will literally steal billions of dollars from working people in this country. He extends 301, which is a protectionist measure. He’s got all kinds of sweetheart deals and giveaways. So, the president has made it as difficult as possible for me to vote for this.”

    In a July 6, 1994 letter to President Clinton, Democrat Michael Carpenter, Attorney General of the State of Maine, with 42 other State Attorney Generals co-signing, stating that, “as defenders of state laws, State Attorneys General have a particularly keen interest in state sovereignty (political independence) and request a summit with the White House.” That summit never took place.

    How can you turn down an opportunity to beat Bill Clinton in November of 1994 and expect to beat him in November 1996?

    Senators Bob Dole, Phil Gramm, Richard Lugar worked for and voted for GATT/WTO even during a lame duck session of Congress with a Republican ballot box revolution just 3 weeks before. The fact that they could not wait just 45 days for those new Republicans to be sworn in shows how badly they wanted the Clinton version of GATT/WTO.

    Senator Jesse Helms spoke to this point in the Congressional Record, “Several of us asked the President to delay the vote on the GATT trade agreement until early next year, like the middle of January, so that it could be carefully considered by the new Congress.” He submitted polling results saying, “The Yankelovich pollsters contacted 1,000 American adults and found that - 63 percent of Americans want the next Congress, the 104th Congress, to vote on GATT - not this lame duck session that is meeting today.” And all these men needed to do was stall for time, the cavalry was on the way in just 34 days. The Roll Call Vote #328 on GATT/WTO was on 12/01/94.

    How do these men expect to beat Bill Clinton when they have gone along with the disastrous Clinton GATT Agreement. What are they going to be able to say, I sold out America right after Bill Clinton did? Forbes and Alexander are no better.

    Steve Forbes once again leaves us guessing. We only know he ..."urged rapid expansion of NAFTA to Chile and Argentina, and called for developing a Pacific free-trade zone ultimately including Japan." (Los Angeles. Times 01/23/96). We can only guess how a Flat Tax would work with this agreement still in force.

    Mr. Lamar Alexander states: “More trade means more jobs and economic growth for America. That’s why I was an enthusiastic supporter of both the NAFTA and GATT trade agreements.” (Lamar Alexander on the Issues, material supplied by the Alexander for President campaign).

    There is only one man who can beat Bill Clinton. There is only one Candidate that can win in November against Bill Clinton, that man is Patrick J. Buchanan. He is the only Republican candidate who is not just Bill Clinton lite.

    He is the only one that did not sell out America. If someone other than Pat Buchanan is nominated in the Republican Party for the Presidency, then on January 20, 1997 Bill Clinton will be sworn in as the next President.

    Patrick Buchanan is the only Republican candidate for President that can truly be trusted to do what he says he is going to do and actually do it. Buchanan is also different enough from Bill Clinton and that difference is what the American General Public is looking for in a President.

    The New York Times on October 8, 1995 wrote,“But to the surprise of many in his own party, the combative Mr. Buchanan has improved his campaign skills greatly since he made a brief challenge to President Bush for the 1992 nomination. And he is striking a surprisingly responsive chord here and in New Hampshire, drawing respectable crowds and placing second or third to the Senate majority leader, Bob Dole, in polls, and often neck-and-neck with Senator Phil Gramm of Texas. Both men have supported President Clinton’s free-trade initiatives and Republican strategists say his early success is forcing the two lead candidates to adjust their rhetoric to capture his following.” Beware those who adjust their rhetoric, because then it is just that rhetoric.

    There is only one Presidential Candidate that fought and fought hard, he wrote articles, he defended us in the media, he joined forces with men he had little in common with such as Jesse Jackson, Ralph Nader, and Ross Perot, all in an attempt to stop the run away GATT train. He did everything he could to stop the Congressman and Senators from surrendering the American dream, our freedom and our futures. That man is Patrick J. Buchanan.

    Now, it’s up to you. Are you going to reward those that have sold you and America out? Or are you going to reward the only Presidential Candidate that fought for you, your Children, your family, your job, income, your future, as well as for your freedoms as an American Citizen.

    Vote for Patrick J. Buchanan.

    See a PDF of the actual page as published:
     THE LIE: Bill Clinton is so bad any Republican can beat him in November

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