I have heard it said that all politicians are bad. Well, what we have attempted to do in this flyer is to strongly encourage you to vote and work to elect the candidates on our “GOOD GUYS” list. These men and women are not politicians but statesmen. They
are willing to do the hard things, even go up against the leadership of both major political parties.
We faxed out over 2,000 questionnaires to candidates all over the United States. These were all the candidates that after searching state and party offices, as well as contacting their various offices, we could obtain fax numbers for. These were
candidates for offices from School Board to U.S. Senate. Of that number, 199 candidates faxed back completed questionnaires. And of that number, only 72 qualified to be on our “GOOD GUYS” list. We also had member and CBA leadership recomendations to
qualify a handful of candidates by their voting records and their reputations. (Those have an ‘ * ‘ by their names below). We did not ask any questions about whether they would or could win their seat. We wanted to support them because of the strong
stands they took for you, your children, your grandchildren and your collective future.
Why are they “GOOD GUYS”? Because they had the right answer to some very difficult questions, 15 very tough questions to be exact. Questions about some very difficult issues affecting all of America today. To design the questions we drew upon our years
of experience dealing with candidates on the hard issues. No one was allowed to hide.
You may not find someone you thought should be on the list. There are a number of reasons that could be. This is a very elite list, only those who stood for returning America back to its foundation of morality and values qualified. Some who may have
qualified refused to answer the questionnaire, either because of principle or bad staffing, and had to be disqualified. It is important to note that we did our utmost to encourage them to respond and send in their questionnaire. Some U.S. Senate campaign
offices were called repeatedly to no avail.
Obviously, we do not have the space here to include all the questions and how each candidate answered as it would take over 400 pages.
The candidates are grouped by state, then alphabetically ordered by last and first name with their prospective office and district number (if applicable).